Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Spanish Period

The Spanish Period was influenced greatly by the Moorish, Early Christian, Medieval, and the Italian Renaissance. The 16th century was known as the most brilliant era in Spanish history. The reasoning for this was due to the voyages of Columbus. This reigned the time where he acquired title to the New World. Successful navigators and traders resulted in fabulous amounts of gold and silver bullion. The century was ended abruptly due to bankruptcy.

This was a time where more castles were in Spain rather than any other European country. They were built of concrete walls faced with brick. Castles were typically built by noble Christian families. An example of this would be the La Mota Castle. Another example of a castle inspired building is the Granada Cathedral. This consisted of the traditional five-aisle building. The columns were Gothic in proportion and classical in its detail. It also provided Gothic vaulting within the interior.

The interiors of this time had the most artistic features. The features included superb iron grilles on windows, openings, and wrought-iron handrails. They provided colored tiles, and ceilings were pine-paneled, painted, and carved. Plasterwork was utilized as white decorative border or frame around doors and windows. The tile pictures resembled wall tapestries. Floors were covered in tile, stone, brick, or wood on the upper floors. During this time, Spain was the leading center in fine leather work. An example of this kind of work is the Cordoba leather.

Furniture was also an important feature throughout the Spanish period. The furniture provided simplicity and boldness. Heavy proportions were greatly expressed. Crude carvings and rectangular shapes were preferred. Panels were used repetitively to create a pattern. Walnut wood was the most commonly used feature; such as mahogany. Silver was also used extensively for ornamentation. Some examples of furniture include: Sillon de Frailero, wooden bench, walnut vargueno puente stand, and taquillion.

Images | Past

Images | Present

Extra Credit |
Video clip on Alhambra - Granada, Andalusia, Spain

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