Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Prehistoric Period |

During the Prehistoric Period, it was evident that the main focus of civilization was survival. It did not matter what your home looked like; what mattered was that you were safe and able to provide for yourself. The people of this time relied heavily on hunting and gathering as a way of life. Things were not given to them easily. They had to go out and fend for themselves. Based on an interior standpoint, furniture was rarely used. Their homes were built by the individual or family living inside them; they had to be nomadic to fit their lifestyle. The nomadic lifestyle was a must. Perhaps they were forced to move due to natural encounters; another example could be to follow food. No matter what, their first need was solely based on survival. When taking a deeper look into design and creativity, the expression of those qualities came through weaving and cave paintings. Weaving blankets, baskets, rugs, and clothing were very popular.They were not interested in ornamental items; durability and its usefulness mattered most. An example of a Prehistoric artifact is the Venus of Willendorf. It was founded in 1908 in Austria. It is said that it may symbolize fertility or some type of religious figure. It is believed that because during this time, worshiping the Gods was an important activity.

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I found this video to be interesting because it demonstrates a young man building a nomadic home from primitive tools similar to Prehistoric time.

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